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    This is the topic with samples of the wiki tables.

    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie
    Butter Ice cream

    Orange Apple more
    Bread Pie more
    Butter Ice

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consetetur sadipscing elitr,
    sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt
    ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,
    sed diam voluptua.

    At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores
    et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,
    no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum
    dolor sit amet.

    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • consetetur sadipscing elitr
    • sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt

    Item Amount Cost
    Orange 10 7.00
    Bread 4 3.00
    Butter 1 5.00
    Total 15.00

    Food complements
    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie
    Butter Ice cream

    Food complements
    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie
    Butter Ice cream

    Orange Apple 12,333.00
    Bread Pie 500.00
    Butter Ice cream 1.00

    Orange Apple 12,333.00
    Bread Pie 500.00
    Butter Ice cream 1.00

    Orange Apple 12,333.00
    Bread Pie 500.00
    Butter Ice cream 1.00

    Orange Apple 12,333.00
    Bread Pie 500.00
    Butter Ice cream 1.00

    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie
    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie



    Shopping List
    Bread & Butter Pie Buns Danish Croissant
    Cheese Ice cream Butter Yogurt

    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie
    Butter Ice cream

    ''Food complements''
    Orange Apple
    Bread Pie
    Butter Ice cream

    This column width is 85% of the screen width (and has a background color)
    '''This column is 30% counted from 85% of the screen width''' '''This column is 70% counted from 85% of the screen width (and has a background color)'''

    Item Quantity Price
    Bread 0.3 kg $0.65
    Butter 0.125 kg $1.25
    Total $1.90

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Comment from: Kate Adams [Member]


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02/29/16 @ 12:15 pm

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